Letter to Prime Minister Rudd

The Hon Kevin Rudd MP Prime Minister Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600  Dear Mr Rudd, We, Australians of Serbian background are voicing our disapproval and expressing our concern for Australia being one of the countries to recognize the independence of Kosovo.   Kosovo secession represents a violent,... 


On 19 January 2006 Daniel Snedden was arrested  and imprisoned  at the discretion of the Minister(s)of the former Howard government who received an extradition request from Croatia for his questioning for alleged  ‘war crimes’. It is important to note, that as a former belligerent country, Croatia... 

Народу и јавности Аустралије

Даниел Снеден (Драган Васиљковић) ухапшен је 19. јануара 2006. и смештен у затвор по нахођењу минис-тра(тара) бивше Хауардове владе која је од Републике Хрватске примила... 

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