MR M. DANBY MP MEMBER FOR MELBOURNE PORTS Dear Mr Danby, RE: Your MOTION proposed for 21 November 2011 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ___________________________________________________________________ It is with great concern that we write to you about your proposed motion which...
MINISTER FOR POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES THE HON. PETER RYAN, MP Level 3 1 Treasury Place East Melbourne Victoria, 3002 10 june 2011 Honorable Minister, THE RIGHT TO THE PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE We are writing to you to express our great concern...
Организација “Срби за Правду” и делегат српске дијаспоре за Аустралију и Нови Зеланд г. Драган Миловановић настављају са акцијом “СТАВИМО КРАЉЕВО ПОД КРОВ” уз договор...
SUBMISSION To: Extradition and Mutual Assistance Review Team International Crime Cooperation Branch Attorney-General’s Department Robert Garran Offices National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA ___________________________________________________________ PURPOSE: comment on proposed amendments...
Dear Mr O’Farrell, On behalf of our organization Serbs For Justice and Democracy we am writing to you to commend your justifiable actions in responding to the concerns of a constituent about the policy implications of the treatment of a person detained in a NSW prison. Daniel Snedden has now spent...
Nothing to Gain, More to Lose On September 10, at the UN General Assembly, Serbia abruptly surrendered its claim to the breakaway province of Kosovo to the European Union. Serbian leaders described this surrender as a “compromise”. But for Serbia, it was all give and no take. In its dealings with...
Srpska pravoslavna crkva Kancelarija Eparhije australijsko-novozelandske Njegovo Preosvestenstvo Episkop srpski Gospodin Irinej Vase Preosvestenstvo! Dozvolite da izrazimo veliko zadovoljstvo i da Vam u ime organizacije ”Srbi za pravdu i demokratiju – Australija” uputimo tople pozdrave...